Autumn Leaves — 2 of 4

Daniel M. Stelzer (based on the game by Toby Ord)

Release 1

Section A - Cards

A suit is a kind of value. The suits are hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades.

Understand "heart" as hearts. Understand "diamond" as diamonds.

Understand "club" as clubs. Understand "spade" as spades.

A card is a kind of object. A card has a number called the face value. A card has a suit.

Rule for printing the name of a card: say "[face value as card value] of [suit]".

To say (N - number) as a/-- card value:

if N is:

-- 1: say "ace";

-- 2: say "deuce";

-- 11: say "jack";

-- 12: say "queen";

-- 13: say "king";

-- otherwise: say N.

Understand "ace" or "a" as a card when the face value of the item described is 1 and the item described is face-up.

Understand "deuce" as a card when the face value of the item described is 2 and the item described is face-up.

Understand "jack" or "knave" or "prince" or "j" as a card when the face value of the item described is 11 and the item described is face-up.

Understand "queen" or "q" as a card when the face value of the item described is 12 and the item described is face-up.

Understand "king" or "k" as a card when the face value of the item described is 13 and the item described is face-up.

Understand the face value property as describing a card when the item described is face-up.

Understand the suit property as describing a card when the item described is face-up.

Understand "of" as a card. Understand "card" as a card.

Definition: a card is unallocated if its face value is 0.

A card can be played or unplayed. A card is usually unplayed.

A card can be face-up or face-down. A card is usually face-down.

To say abbreviation of (N - number):

if N is:

-- 1: say "A";

-- 10: say "Ю"; [Cyrillic yu looks a lot like "10" in the monospaced font]

-- 11: say "J";

-- 12: say "Q";

-- 13: say "K";

-- otherwise: say N.

To say abbreviation of (S - suit):

if S is:

-- hearts: say "";

-- diamonds: say "";

-- clubs: say "";

-- spades: say "".

To say abbreviation of (C - card):

say "[abbreviation of the face value of C][abbreviation of the suit of C]".

To say inverse abbreviation of (C - card):

say "[abbreviation of the suit of C][abbreviation of the face value of C]".

Definition: a card (called the item) is heart-suited if the suit of the item is hearts.

Definition: a card (called the item) is diamond-suited if the suit of the item is diamonds.

Definition: a card (called the item) is club-suited if the suit of the item is clubs.

Definition: a card (called the item) is spade-suited if the suit of the item is spades.

There are 52 cards.

When play begins:

seed the random-number generator with 1; [With seed 1 the generator always returns zero, so this numbers all the cards in order. Not strictly necessary but nice for organization.]

repeat with the color running through suits:

repeat with the new value running from 1 to 13:

let the item be a random unallocated card;

now the suit of the item is the color;

now the face value of the item is the new value;

seed the random-number generator with 0.