Scroll Thief — 108 of 138

Daniel M. Stelzer

Release 2

Section D - Copying Yonk

Copying yonk is a puzzling scene with puzzle description "making a copy of the [i]yonk[/i] spell for Frobar". Copying yonk begins when the player carries the well-worn spell book. Copying yonk ends happily when yonk is inscribed in the well-worn spell book. Copying yonk ends badly when the time since copying yonk began is 10 minutes.

When copying yonk begins:

say "'Oh, one more thing,' Frobar puts in. 'Would you mind copying [i]yonk[/i] into a spellbook again? It could be quite important, and you seem to be one of the only people with enough magical knowledge to cast [i]yonk[/i] without having [i]gnusto[/i] imprinted deeply into your mind.' He hands you a well-worn spellbook with a leather cover, and another glossy scroll.[p]'You'll need th[if Helistar encloses at least two spell books]ese[else]is[end if] too, then,' Helistar says, handing your own spellbook back.";

now the player's preferred spell book is the well-worn spell book. [Override for gnusto.]

When copying yonk ends happily:

say "'Thank you for that.' Frobar takes his book back and nods to you. 'I appreciate it.'[p]Haffibar hands you a freshly-copied scroll. 'This is our reconstructed [i]blorple[/i] spell, as well as we've been able to figure it out.'[p]'I'm going to try the variant [i]lleps-aimfiz[/i] again,' Helistar says. 'Frobar, see if you can contact Dr. Ngo. He was doing research into combined metamagic, if he's had any success with [i]yonk-lleps[/i] that might help. Haffibar, tell me if you have any more success with scrying.' She snaps her fingers and in a flash of light is gone. Haffibar gathers up her scrolls and vanishes as well.[p]'If you can find anything regarding the Guildmaster or the recent events in Borphee, [i]aimfiz[/i] to one of us. There are some old scrolls in the closet to the northeast, I think there's an [i]aimfiz[/i] there. And when you finish we'll see about introducing you to the Guildmaster.' He smiles and waves, then he is gone.";

now every Enchanter-certified person is nowhere;

reset the interlocutor;

remove the well-worn spell book from play;

now the player carries the freshly-copied scroll;

now the player's preferred spell book is your spell book.

Every turn when copying yonk is happening:

say "[one of]Frobar looks at you expectantly[or]Helistar sighs quietly[or]Helistar taps her foot, her fingers drumming the spine of her spellbook[or]'So...will you copy the spell?' Frobar asks with a hint of impatience[or]'We don't have time for this,' Helistar mutters under her breath[or]'Haffibar, do you have an [i]espnis[/i]?' Helistar asks[or]Haffibar begins rummaging through her belongings[or]'Will you copy the spell?' Frobar asks again impatiently[or]'[regarding the player standin][She] did take the initiative in getting in here...' Helistar mutters[or]'Found it.' Haffibar hands a scroll to Helistar[or][The random Enchanter-certified person] glares at you[stopping]."

When copying yonk ends badly:

say "Helistar sighs. 'This is taking too long. We'll deal with [regarding the player standin][him] at some later point. For now...[i]espnis[/i]!' You feel incredibly tired for a moment, and are barely aware of falling asleep. The next day is not going to be pleasant...";

record "Sleeping through everything" as an ending;

end the story saying "You have slept through the whole thing".

Instead of saying no when copying yonk is happening: say "Frobar looks furious for a moment, but controls himself. 'You do recall that you were caught [i]breaking into the library[/i]? I would advise you to work with us here.'"; take full time.

Instead of saying yes when copying yonk is happening: say "'Good. Then, please continue...we are in somewhat of a hurry here.'"; take full time.

Instead of conversing when copying yonk is happening: say "'Sorry, but we're in a bit of a hurry. Will you [i]gnusto[/i] this spell for us first?'"; take full time.

There is a spell book called a well-worn spell book. Understand "spellbook" or "leather" as the well-worn spell book. The description of the well-worn spell book is "[tt]== FROBAR'S SPELL BOOK ==[/tt]". Frobar owns the well-worn spell book. [This lets us call it "Frobar's book" and such.]

Gnusto, frotz, gondar, yomin, swanzo, blorple, lleps, feeyuk, and bozbar are inscribed in the well-worn spell book.

A glossy scroll is a spell scroll with inscribed spell yonk.

A freshly-copied scroll is a spell scroll with inscribed spell blorple. Understand "freshly" or "copied" as the freshly-copied scroll.

Every turn when copying yonk is happening and the well-worn spell book is not held by the player and the well-worn spell book was held by the player:

say "'Er...what are you doing with that?' Frobar asks, a bit puzzled."

Instead of memorizing a spell when the player encloses the well-worn spell book and the spell understood is inscribed in the well-worn spell book:

if the spell understood is gnusto or the spell understood is yonk, make no decision;

say "'Hey, what are you doing?' Frobar interrupts, breaking your concentration.";

take full time.

Instead of giving something to an Enchanter-certified person:

take full time;

if the noun is the well-worn spell book:

if the second noun is Frobar:

say "'Could you copy [i]yonk[/i] into it first?' he asks.";


say "'Hey, that's my book!' Frobar interjects.";

otherwise if the noun is a spell book:

if yonk is inscribed in the noun:

say "'None of us can copy the [i]yonk[/i] spell, since we know [i]gnusto[/i] too well to use metamagic on it,' [the second noun] explains. 'As you seem to be the first person to access metamagic before learning that spell, you're the only one who can do it at the moment.'";


say "'Thank you, but you can hold on to that for the moment. The [i]yonk[/i] spell is the most important thing right now.'";


say "[The second noun] [look] at [the noun] for a moment, but [seem] to be more interested in your spell book."

The player's capture ends when copying yonk ends happily.