Scroll Thief — 137 of 138

Daniel M. Stelzer

Release 2

Book D - Debugging Commands

Debug mode is a truth state that varies. Debug mode is false.

Toggling debug mode is an action out of world applying to nothing. Understand "caskly" as toggling debug mode.

Carry out toggling debug mode:

if debug mode was true, now debug mode is false;

if debug mode was false, now debug mode is true.

Report toggling debug mode:

say "Debug mode [if debug mode is true]on[else]off[end if]."

Teleporting it to is an action out of world applying to two things. Understand "teleport [any thing] to [any thing]" as teleporting it to. Understand "tp [any thing] to [any thing]" as teleporting it to.

Check teleporting it to when debug mode is false: say "Imperfect command." instead.

Carry out teleporting it to: move the noun to the location of the second noun.

Report teleporting it to: say "<Teleported>[p]".

Spell-stealing is an action out of world applying to one spell. Understand "spell-steal [a spell]" as spell-stealing. Understand "ss [a spell]" as spell-stealing.

Check spell-stealing when debug mode is false: say "Imperfect command." instead.

Carry out spell-stealing: now the spell understood is inscribed in the player's preferred spell book.

Report spell-stealing: say "<Stolen>[p]"

Book-filling is an action out of world applying to nothing. Understand "veneficia" as book-filling.

Check book-filling when debug mode is false: say "Imperfect command." instead.

Carry out book-filling:

repeat through the Table of Spells:

now the spell entry is inscribed in the player's preferred spell book.

Report book-filling: say "<All spells unlocked>[p]"

[Showobjing is an action out of world applying to one thing. Understand "showobj [any thing]" as showobjing.

Check showobjing when debug mode is false: say "Imperfect command." instead.

Carry out showobjing: showobj the noun.]

Unrandomizing is an action out of world applying to one number. Understand "$rand [number]" as unrandomizing.

Carry out unrandomizing: seed the random-number generator with the number understood.

Report unrandomizing: say "<Seeded>[p]"