Scroll Thief — 19 of 138

Daniel M. Stelzer

Release 2

Book T - Thinking

Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the I beg your pardon error: [Blank line]

try waiting.

After waiting when the action is not silent (this is the consider your situation rule):

let N be the puzzle count;

say "You pause for a minute to consider your situation. You currently have [if N is zero]no[else][N in words][end if] problem[unless N is 1]s[end if] to deal with.[first time][br][note][bracket]Type THINK to get a list of problems.[close bracket][/note][br][only]".

Understand "problem" or "problems" as thinking.

To decide what number is the puzzle count:

let N be zero;

repeat with the item running through puzzling scenes:

if the item is happening, increment N;

decide on N.

The block thinking rule does nothing when the actor is the player.

Carry out thinking (this is the standard thinking rule):

if the puzzle count is 0:

say "You have no problems to deal with at the moment.";

make no decision;

say "You are currently contemplating the following problems:";

repeat with the item running through puzzling scenes:

if the item is happening, say "[br] - [puzzle description of the item]";

say paragraph break.

A scene can be puzzling. A scene is usually not puzzling.

A scene has some text called the puzzle description.