Scroll Thief — 4 of 138

Daniel M. Stelzer

Release 2

Section B - Pronoun Messages

[Alas! I wrote a whole complicated system for gender-specific pronouns before discovering that Emily Short's Plurality already did that!]

[And now the last traces are obsolete in 6L02. Oh well.]

Understand "your" or "yours" as a thing when the item described is enclosed by the person asked.

[Understand "my" or "mine" as a thing when the item described is enclosed by the player.]

The player standin is a person. [1]

When play begins: set the gender of the player standin to the gender of the player.

To say you or the (item - an object): [Avoids using a reflexive for the player.]

if the item is the player, say we;

otherwise say the item.

[Aha! Something to use this section for!]

To say he: say "[they]".

To say she: say "[they]".

To say He: say "[They]".

To say She: say "[They]".

To say his: say "[their]".

To say her: say "[their]".

To say His: say "[Their]".

To say Her: say "[Their]".

To say him: say "[them]". [These four are gender-specific because of ambiguity (his(her)/his(hers) and her(his)/her(him)).]

To say Him: say "[Them]".

To say hers: say "[theirs]".

To say Hers: say "[Theirs]".

To say himself: say "[themselves]".

To say herself: say "[themselves]".

To say Himself: say "[Themselves]".

To say Herself: say "[Themselves]".

To say he's: say "[they're]".

To say she's: say "[they're]".

To say He's: say "[They're]".

To say She's: say "[They're]".

To say honorific:

say the honorific for the prior named object.

To say the/-- honorific for (subject - a thing):

if the subject is a person:

say "M[if the subject is masculine]r[else if the subject is feminine]s[else]x[end if]. ";


[1]. When the player needs to be referred to in conversation between two other people, we don't want to use second-person pronouns. But neither do we want to always put the player in the third person. The solution is to create an additional dummy object which represents the player in the third person.