Scroll Thief — 23 of 138

Daniel M. Stelzer

Release 2

Chapter 3 - Notify Score Changes

The new notify score changes rule is listed instead of the notify score changes rule in the turn sequence rulebook.

score notifications are an active boolean option. Understand the command "notify" as something new. Understand "notify" as score notifications.

This is the new notify score changes rule:

if score notifications are inactive, make no decision;

if the score is not the last notified score:

let the difference be the score minus the last notified score;

let the reason be "some reason"; [This should never show unless the score table is broken.]

if there is a timestamp of the turn count in the Table of Tasks Achieved: [Points were awarded in a scene-end.]

choose a row with a timestamp of the turn count in the Table of Tasks Achieved;

if there is a reason entry, let the reason be the reason entry;

otherwise if there is a timestamp of (the turn count minus one) in the Table of Tasks Achieved:

choose a row with a timestamp of (the turn count minus one) in the Table of Tasks Achieved;

if there is a reason entry, let the reason be the reason entry;

say "[alert][bracket]Your score has gone [if the difference is less than zero]down by [zero minus the difference in words][otherwise]up by [the difference in words][end if] point[s] for [reason].[close bracket][/alert][line break]";

now the last notified score is the score.