Scroll Thief — 46 of 138

Daniel M. Stelzer

Release 2

Book I - Introduction Page

[Based on the extensions Title Page by Jon Ingold, Menus by Emily Short, and Menus by Wade Clarke.]

To say spaces to center (n - a number) -- running on: (- spaces (((VM_ScreenWidth() - {n})/2)-1); -).

To redraw the/-- status line: (- DrawStatusLine(); -).

To decide what figure name is the/-- cover art: (- 1 -).

To center (saying - text):

let N be the number of characters in the saying;

say spaces to center N;

say the saying.

Definition: a number is intro-relevant if it is -8 or it is -7 or it is -6 or it is at least 32. [Arrow keys or ASCII letters]

First when play begins (this is the show title page rule):

if the information-gathering flag is false, make no decision;

while true is true: [Repeat forever until break]

clear the screen;

redraw the status line;

display the cover art centered;

say paragraph break;

say fixed letter spacing;

center "Press [bracket]SPACE[close bracket] to begin.[br]";

center "Press R to restore a saved game.[br]";

center "Press S to skip the introduction.[br]";

center "Press T to begin a transcript.[br]";

center "[if hard mode is false]Press H to activate HARD mode[else]HARD mode is active[end if].[br]";

center "[if accessibility mode is inactive]Press A to increase screen reader support[else]Accessibility active[end if].[br]";

center "Press Q to quit.[br]";

say variable letter spacing;

let the key be zero;

while the key is not intro-relevant:

let the key be the chosen letter;

if the key is 32 [SPACE] or the key is -6 [ENTER]:

clear the screen;

say paragraph break;

make no decision; [Follow the other When Play Begins rules.]

otherwise if the key is -8 [ESC] or the key is 81 [Q] or the key is 113 [q] or the key is -7 [DEL]:

stop the game abruptly;

otherwise if the key is 72 [H] or the key is 104 [h]:

clear the screen;

say paragraph break;

say "Note: HARD mode is recommended for players who have gone through [i]Scroll Thief[/i] at least once before, or those who found the puzzles too easy. It removes a few spells from the game and eliminates the most direct solutions to several of the puzzles.[br]Do you want to turn on HARD mode? ";

if the player consents, activate hard mode;

otherwise if the key is 65 [A] or the key is 97 [a]:

now accessibility mode is active;

otherwise if the key is 82 [R] or the key is 114 [r]:

follow the restore the game rule;

say "[bracket]Press any key to continue.[close bracket]";

wait for any key;

otherwise if the key is 83 [S] or the key is 115 [s]:

now the information-gathering flag is false;

now the player's full name is "Outis Neminis";

now the player's forename is "Outis";

now the player's surname is "Neminis";

set the gender of the player to feminine;

clear the screen;

say paragraph break;

make no decision;

otherwise if the key is 84 [T] or the key is 116 [t]:

follow the switch the story transcript on rule;

say "[bracket]Press any key to continue.[close bracket]";

wait for any key.