Sylladex — 3 of 5

Daniel Stelzer

Release 1

Section 2 - Add New Grammar

[This was generated by taking the grammar from the Standard Rules, then running it through a find-and-replace to remove all [something] (and [things] and variants) from the lines.]

Understand "[something]" as taking.

Understand "take off" as taking off.

Understand "take inventory" as taking inventory.

Understand the commands "carry" and "hold" as "take".

Understand "get in/on" as entering.

Understand "get out/off/down/up" as exiting.

Understand "get in/into/on/onto" as entering.

Understand "get off/down" as getting off.

Understand "stand" or "stand up" as exiting.

Understand "stand on" as entering.

Understand "remove" as taking off.

Understand "shed" as taking off.

Understand the commands "doff" and "disrobe" as "shed".

Understand "wear" as wearing.

Understand the command "don" as "wear".

Understand "put on" as wearing.

Understand "put on" as wearing.

Understand "put down" as dropping.

Understand "drop" as dropping.

Understand the commands "throw" and "discard" as "drop".

Understand the commands "abandon" and "dump" and "release" and "jettison" and "reject" and "ditch" and "chuck" and "junk" and "eject" and "expel" and "banish" as "drop". [NEW]

Understand "give up" and "drop away" and "drop out" and "drop off" and "cast aside" as dropping. [NEW]

Understand "go [direction]" as going. [This one we aren't going to remove. Going is important.]

Understand "go into/in/inside/through" as entering.

Understand the commands "walk" and "run" as "go".

Understand "inventory" or "sylladex" as taking inventory.

Understand the commands "i" and "inv" as "inventory".

Understand "look" as looking.

Understand "look at" as examining.

Understand "look inside/in/into/through" as searching.

Understand "look under" as looking under.

Understand the command "l" as "look".

Understand "open" as opening.

Understand the commands "unfurl" and "bare" and "burst" and "fissure" and "gap" and "split" and "unseal" as "open". Understand "open up" as opening. [NEW]

The reveal any newly visible interior rule is not listed in any rulebook. [NEW]

Understand "open [something] with/--" as unlocking it with.

Understand the commands "unwrap", "uncover" as "open".

Understand "close" as closing.

Understand the commands "seal" and "furl" and "secure" as "close". [NEW]

Understand "close up" as closing.

Understand "close off" as switching off.

Understand the commands "shut" and "cover" as "close".

Understand "enter" as entering.

Understand the command "cross" as "enter".

Understand "sit on top of" as entering.

Understand "sit on/in/inside" as entering.

Understand "exit" as exiting.

Understand the commands "leave" and "out" as "exit".

Understand "examine" as examining.

Understand the commands "x", "watch", "describe" and "check" as "examine".

Understand the commands "peer" and "investigate" as "examine". Understand "examine closely/thoroughly" as examining. Understand "examine in/-- detail" as examining. [NEW]

Understand "read" as examining.

Understand "yes" as saying yes.

Understand the command "y" as "yes".

Understand "no" as saying no.

Understand "sorry" as saying sorry.

Understand "search" as searching.

Understand "wave" as waving hands.

Understand "wave" as waving.

Understand "pull" as pulling.

Understand the command "drag" as "pull".

Understand "push" as pushing.

Understand the commands "move", "shift", "clear" and "press" as "push".

Understand "turn" as turning.

Understand "turn on" or "turn on" as switching on.

Understand "turn off" or "turn off" as switching off.

Understand the commands "rotate", "twist", "unscrew" and "screw" as "turn".

Understand "switch" or "switch on" or "switch on" as

switching on.

Understand "switch off" or "switch off" as switching off.

Understand the command "toggle" as "switch".

Understand "lock [something] with/--" as locking it with.

Understand "unlock [something] with/--" as unlocking it with.

Understand "attack" as attacking.

Understand the commands "break", "smash", "hit", "fight", "torture", "wreck", "crack", "destroy",

"murder", "kill", "punch" and "thump" as "attack".

Understand "wait" as waiting.

Understand the command "z" as "wait".

Understand "eat" as eating.

Understand "sleep" as sleeping.

Understand the command "nap" as "sleep".

Understand "climb" or "climb up/over" as climbing.

Understand the command "scale" as "climb".

Understand "buy" as buying.

Understand the command "purchase" as "buy".

Understand "squeeze" as squeezing.

Understand the command "squash" as "squeeze".

Understand "swing" or "swing on" as swinging.

Understand "wake" or "wake up" as waking up.

Understand the commands "awake" and "awaken" as "wake".

Understand "kiss" as kissing.

Understand the commands "embrace" and "hug" as "kiss".

Understand "think" as thinking.

Understand "smell" as smelling.

Understand "smell" as smelling.

Understand the command "sniff" as "smell".

Understand "listen" as listening to.

Understand "hear" as listening to.

Understand "listen to" as listening to.

Understand "taste" as tasting.

Understand "touch" as touching.

Understand the command "feel" as "touch".

Understand "rub" as rubbing.

Understand the commands "shine", "polish", "sweep", "clean", "dust", "wipe" and "scrub" as "rub".

Understand "tie to" as tying it to.

Understand the commands "attach" and "fasten" as "tie".

Understand "burn" as burning.

Understand the command "light" as "burn".

Understand "drink" as drinking.

Understand the commands "swallow" and "sip" as "drink".

Understand "cut" as cutting.

Understand the commands "slice", "prune" and "chop" as "cut".

Understand "jump" as jumping.

Understand the commands "skip" and "hop" as "jump".