Scroll Thief — 129 of 138

Daniel M. Stelzer

Release 2

Section C - Plot-Relevant Conversation

Request-assistance is a misc-suggestion with printed name "ask [regarding the adventurer][him] for help with your mission".

The other-suggestions of the Adventurer are { request-assistance }.

Understand "help/assistance/aid" or "help with your/my mission" as "[assistance]".

Response of the Adventurer when asked for "[assistance]": respond to a request for assistance.

Response of the Adventurer when asked about "[assistance]": respond to a request for assistance.

To respond to a request for assistance:

remove request-assistance from the other-suggestions of the Adventurer;

say "[one of]'Hm...' [regarding the Adventurer][He] looks thoughtful for a moment. 'Well, I don't know much about magic. But there are stories of ancient spells in this cave. I haven't come across any yet, though there's a place I'm still trying to explore. If you could help me out with the exploration there, perhaps you'd find something there?'[or]'I haven't found anything yet. But I still haven't made much progress at the chasm; you might find something there?'[stopping]";

setnode request-help-node.

Request-help-node is a closed convnode. The other-suggestions are { yes-no-suggestion }.

Response for request-help-node when saying yes:

say "[regarding the Adventurer][She] gestures for you to follow. 'Let me show you where it is, and what the difficulty has been.'";

if there is a route from the location of the Adventurer to the Overlook:

hide the command prompt with implicit command "follow adventurer";

try the Adventurer moving toward the Overlook;

setnode explain-chasm-node.

Response for request-help-node when saying no:

say "[regarding the Adventurer][He] shrugs. 'Other than that, I don't know if I can really help you. But I'll tell you if I find anything.'";

setnode null-node;

add request-assistance to the other-suggestions of the Adventurer.

Explain-chasm-node is an open convnode. Chasm-prepare-node is an open convnode.

Every turn when the node of the Adventurer is the explain-chasm-node and the location of the Adventurer is the location:

if the location is the Overlook:

show the command prompt;

say "[The Adventurer] stops and gestures toward the chasm. 'I feel that there's something interesting down there. But I had to leave my rope over by the entrance, and there's no good place around here to anchor it even if I had one. If you can find some way to do that, I could explore down there and tell you what I find. Just tell me when you want me to go down.'";

setnode chasm-prepare-node;

otherwise if there is a route from the location of the Adventurer to the Overlook: [If there is a route.]

say "[regarding the Adventurer][She] beckons you to follow.";

try the Adventurer moving toward the Overlook;

hide the command prompt with implicit command "follow adventurer";


say "[The Adventurer] peers at [his] map. 'I don't see any direct way to get back there from here...can you bring us back to the caves first? By magic or something?'".

Implicit greeting response for the Adventurer when the node of the Adventurer is the chasm-prepare-node:

say "'Ah, hello again, [player's forename]. Just tell me when you want me to climb down.'"

Response of the Adventurer when given-or-shown a rope:

say "[regarding the Adventurer][She] examines [the noun] carefully. 'This seems strong enough to use for climbing.'"