Scroll Thief — 130 of 138

Daniel M. Stelzer

Release 2

Section D - Attempting to Help the Player

Adventurer preparation is a scene. Adventurer preparation begins when the location is the Chasm and the player is securely anchored. Adventurer preparation ends positively when the location is the South End of Ruined Hall. Adventurer preparation ends negatively when the location is not the Chasm and the location is not in the Ruined Hall. [This tracks whether the rope disappeared or not.]

In-chasm-node is a closed convnode.

Implicit greeting response for the Adventurer when the node of the Adventurer is the in-chasm-node: rule succeeds.

Greeting response for the Adventurer when the node of the Adventurer is the in-chasm-node: rule succeeds.

After going to the Chasm: now the node of the Adventurer is the in-chasm-node; make no decision.

After going from the Chasm when the node of the Adventurer is the in-chasm-node: now the node of the Adventurer is the null-node.

Default response for the in-chasm-node:

say "'Are you all right down there?' the Adventurer calls down from above. 'Pull on the rope if you want me to pull you back up, I can't hear you too well from up here.'"

Chasm-falling-node is a closed convnode.

When the chasm-escape-puzzle begins:

if the Adventurer preparation ended positively and the node of the Adventurer is not the player-safe-node:

now the node of the Adventurer is the chasm-falling-node;

if the Adventurer is in the Overlook, implicitly greet the Adventurer;


now the node of the Adventurer is the player-in-danger-node.

Implicit greeting response for the Adventurer when the node of the Adventurer is the chasm-falling-node (this is the adventurer inquires about the player rule): give the adventurer's concerned response.

Greeting response for the Adventurer when the node of the Adventurer is the chasm-falling-node: give the adventurer's concerned response.

To give the adventurer's concerned response: say "'[Player's forename]? [/br][one of]Is that you?[/br][or]Are you still down there?[/br][or]Are you all right?[/br][stopping]' You can hear [the Adventurer]'s voice from the overlook above you, sounding slightly panicked.".

Default response for the chasm-falling-node: do nothing.

Every turn when the node of the Adventurer is the chasm-falling-node and the location of the Adventurer is adjacent (this is the Adventurer concerned about falling player rule): say "'[one of]Ah, [player's forename], I don't know if I can help you! I was watching you climb, and then suddenly the rope was just...gone![/br][or]It was gone! Magically! Do you have a spell or something that can get you back out?[/br][or]Can you give yourself wings, or make the air solid, or weaken gravity, or something like that? I don't think I have anything up here that could help you...[/br][or]Try to catch onto something? See if there's anything you can use to pull yourself up?[/br][or]I don't know! Without magic I don't know if you can get back up! [Player's forename][/br]? [Player's forename], can you still hear me?![/br][stopping]'[br]".

The Adventurer concerned about falling player rule is listed before the falling into the chasm rule in the every turn rulebook.

Player-safe-node is an open convnode.

When the chasm-escape-puzzle ends: now the node of the adventurer is the player-safe-node.

Greeting response for the adventurer when the node of the adventurer is the player-safe-node: say "[The Adventurer] seems quite relieved to see you. 'Ah, [player's forename], it's good to see you're safe.'"

Player-in-danger-node is a closed convnode. [This just blocks conversation if the player falls again.]

Default response for the player-in-danger-node: give a distant apology.

Greeting response for the Adventurer when the node of the Adventurer is the player-in-danger-node: give a distant apology.

To give a distant apology: say "'[Player's forename]? I can't help you much from up here, but if you magic yourself back up I'll do what I can.'"