Scroll Thief — 28 of 138

Daniel M. Stelzer

Release 2

Section C - Scope

[We also need to make sure that the rope can be interacted with properly even when it's partly in the next room.]

Scope adjustment (this is the player sees visible ropes rule):

repeat with the coil running through ropes:

if something in the location is tied to the coil, now the coil is marked in scope;

After deciding the scope of an other person (called the subject) (this is the others see visible ropes rule):

repeat with the coil running through ropes:

if something in the location of the subject is tied to the coil, place the coil in scope;

make no decision.

Rule for reaching inside a room when the untouchable item is a rope (this is the first rope reaching rule):

repeat with the anchor running through things which are tied to the untouchable item:

if the anchor is in the location and the player can touch the anchor:

allow access.

Rule for reaching inside a room (called the place) when the untouchable item is nonrope and the player can see a rope (called the cord) which is tied to the untouchable item (this is the second rope reaching rule):

if the player can touch the cord, allow access.

Before doing something to a rope when the noun is carried by an other person and the action requires a touchable noun (this is the rope bugfix rule):

say "[We] should ask [the holder of the noun] to give [us] [the noun] first." instead.