Scroll Thief — 29 of 138

Daniel M. Stelzer

Release 2

Chapter 2 - Tying and Untying

Section A - Tying

[Now tying:]

The block tying rule is not listed in any rulebook. Understand "tie [things] around/to/with [something]" or "tie [something] around/to/with [things]" as tying it to.

First check tying something to a rope (this is the tying checks rule):

if the noun is the second noun, say "That wouldn't be much use." instead;

if the noun is tied to the second noun, say "[The noun] and [the second noun] are already tied together." instead;

if the second noun is not free, say "[The second noun] [have] no ends free." instead;

if the noun is not ropable, say "[We] [can't] realistically tie anything to [the noun]." instead.

Instead of tying a rope to something nonrope (this is the tie a rope to an object rule):

let the temporary holder be the second noun; [Swap the noun and the second noun without confusing the action machinery.]

now the second noun is the noun;

now the noun is the temporary holder;

continue the action.

Carry out tying something to a rope:

now the noun is tied to the second noun.

Report tying something to a rope:

say "[We] loop [the second noun] around [the noun] and knot firmly."

Instead of tying a nonrope thing to a tied up nonrope thing (this is the use rope to tie things rule):

let the coil be a random rope tied to the second noun;

now the second noun is the coil;

continue the action.

Instead of tying a nonrope tied up thing to a nonrope thing (this is the other use rope to tie things rule):

let the coil be a random rope tied to the noun;

now the noun is the coil;

continue the action.

Instead of tying a free nonrope thing to a free nonrope thing (this is the find rope to tie things rule):

if the player carries a free rope (called the coil):

initialize the implicit action;

silently try tying the noun to the coil;

if the noun is tied to the coil and the coil is free:

initialize the implicit action;

silently try tying the second noun to the coil;

finish the implicit action with participle "tying" infinitive "tie" object "[the coil] to [the second noun]" and condition (whether or not the second noun is tied to the coil);

finish the implicit action with participle "tying" infinitive "tie" object "[the coil] to [the noun]" and condition (whether or not the noun is tied to the coil);

take full time;


say "[We] lack the requisite spare rope."

Check tying a rope to a rope (this is the no rope splicing rule):

say "[We] try to tie [the noun] to [the second noun], but the knot keeps slipping." instead.

Check tying a tied up thing to a rope (this is the no indirect splicing rule):

say "[The noun] [are] already tied up." instead.

Instead of asking someone to try wearing a rope: try tying the actor to the noun.

Instead of wearing a rope: try tying the player to the noun.