Scroll Thief — 31 of 138

Daniel M. Stelzer

Release 2

Chapter 3 - Pulling

[Another part of the fun of a rope is that you can drag things from another room.]

After reading a command: now every thing is unmentioned.

Before an actor pulling something anchored: say "[The noun] [are] firmly anchored." instead.

After an actor throwing something at when the actor carries a rope (called the coil) which is tied to the noun (this is the drop ropes after throwing rule): silently try the actor dropping the coil; continue the action.

The modified can't pull people rule is listed instead of the can't pull people rule in the check pulling rulebook.

This is the modified can't pull people rule:

if the noun is a person and the noun is not tied up, say "That would be less than courteous." instead.

Report pulling a person: say "[The noun] [jerk], but [manage] to keep [their] balance."

Carry out an actor pulling something tied up (this is the ropes pull things rule):

if the noun is unmentioned:

if the player can see the actor, say "The impulse is transmitted to [the list of pullable things tied to the noun].";

repeat with item running through pullable things tied to the noun:

if the player can see the actor, say "[item]: [run paragraph on]";

try the actor pulling the item;

if the noun is a rope and the noun is not within the location:

if the number of nonrope hindering things is 0, move the noun to the location of the actor;


continue the action.

Report an actor pulling a tied up rope (this is the don't report pulling ropes rule): rule succeeds.

Instead of an actor pulling something nonrope when the noun is not in the location of the actor (this is the transmit impulse through rope rule):

if the noun is rope-pullable, make no decision;

take full time;

if the noun is anchored:

if the player can see the actor or the player can see the noun, say "[The noun] [resist], for whatever reason." instead;


let the place be the holder of the noun;

let way be the best route from the place to the location of the actor;

if the way is a direction:

if the player can see the actor:

say "[The noun] [if the way is up][rise][otherwise if the way is down][fall][otherwise][slide][end if] into view.";

otherwise if the player can see the noun:

let the inverse be the opposite of the way;

say "[The noun] [if the way is up][rise][otherwise if the way is down][fall][otherwise][slide][end if] away[if the way is not up and the way is not down] to the [way][end if].";

move the noun to the location of the actor;


move the noun to the location of the actor;

if the player can see the actor, say "[The noun] [slide] into view." instead.

Definition: a thing is secondary if it is not the noun. Definition: a thing is pullable if it is not the noun [and it is not a person].