Scroll Thief — 52 of 138

Daniel M. Stelzer

Release 2

Chapter 2 - Books and Scrolls

Section A - Scrolls

A spell scroll is a kind of thing. Understand "spell scroll" or "scroll" as a spell scroll. A spell scroll has a spell called the inscribed spell. Understand the inscribed spell property as describing a spell scroll. [This allows us to type READ BOZBAR or GNUSTO BOZBAR, instead of using the name of the scroll.] A spell scroll is usually light.

To say (xyzzy - a spell) in capitals: [These say phrases are workarounds for the way Inform handles nested values in text--you can't look up a property of a property within a simple text substitution.]

let T be "[xyzzy]";

say "[T in upper case]".

To say (X - text) spaced out: [1]

let T be " [X]";

replace the regular expression "(\w)" in T with "\1 ";

say T.

To say (xyzzy - a spell) spaced out:

say "[xyzzy]" spaced out.

To say (xyzzy - a spell) by mode:

if accessibility mode is active and xyzzy is unshortened, say xyzzy spaced out;

otherwise say xyzzy.

Shortening is an action out of world applying to one spell. Understand "shorten [spell]" as shortening.

Check shortening when accessibility mode is inactive: say "Shortening spell names has no effect when accessibility is turned off." instead.

Carry out shortening: now the short-presentation of the spell understood is true.

Report shortening: say "The word [spell understood spaced out] will now be pronounced as [spell understood]. Say 'unshorten [spell understood]' to reverse this."

Unshortening is an action out of world applying to one spell. Understand "unshorten [spell]" as unshortening.

Check unshortening when accessibility mode is inactive: say "Unshortening spell names has no effect when accessibility is turned off." instead.

Carry out unshortening: now the short-presentation of the spell understood is false.

Report unshortening: say "The word [spell understood] will now be pronounced as [spell understood spaced out]."

To say usage of (page - a spell scroll):

let xyzzy be the inscribed spell of the page;

say the explanation of xyzzy.

Definition: a spell scroll (called the page) is powerful:

let xyzzy be the inscribed spell of the page;

if the potency of xyzzy is learnable, no;


Definition: a spell scroll (called the page) is somewhat powerful:

let xyzzy be the inscribed spell of the page;

if the potency of xyzzy is semilearnable, yes;


Definition: a spell scroll (called the page) is overpowered:

let xyzzy be the inscribed spell of the page;

if the potency of xyzzy is unlearnable, yes;


The description of a spell scroll is "[scroll-description for the item described][r]".

To say scroll-description for (page - a spell scroll):

if the page is blank:

say "The scroll has nothing written on it.";


say "The scroll reads '[inscribed spell of the page by mode]: [usage of the page]'[if the page is powerful]. The spell seems very long and extremely complicated[end if].".

A spell scroll can be read or unread. A spell scroll is usually unread.

After examining an unread spell scroll: now the noun is read; continue the action.

After examining a spell scroll when accessibility mode is active for the first time: say "[note]Note: the magic words are pronounced letter by letter to show their spelling, but you should type them in as complete words: rezrov instead of r e z r o v. You can turn this off for individual spells with the command 'shorten rezrov'.[/note][p]"; continue the action.

After printing the name of a read spell scroll while taking inventory, say " [if blank](blank)[otherwise](bearing the [inscribed spell by mode] spell)[end if]".

[Definition: a spell scroll (called the page) is powerful if the inscribed spell of the page is unlearnable.

Definition: a spell scroll (called the page) is somewhat powerful if the inscribed spell of the page is semilearnable.]

Definition: a spell scroll (called the page) is blank rather than non-blank if the inscribed spell of the page is the null-spell.

Understand "unroll [a spell scroll]" as opening. Understand "roll up/-- [a spell scroll]" or "reroll [a spell scroll]" or "fold [a spell scroll]" as closing. Instead of opening or turning or closing a spell scroll: say "Spell scrolls unroll automatically when you hold them in your hand, and close tightly when you set them down. Nobody is really sure why, but it seems to be a strange side effect of the [b]Presence[/b] in the vellum."

Instead of attacking a spell scroll:

take full time;

say "[The noun] flares with sparkling light as the paper tears, the uncontained [b]Presence[/b] burning the remains to dust.";

remove the noun from play.

Instead of eating a spell scroll: say "According to the Frobozz Magic Magic Supply Company advertisements, they're currently working to perfect an 'edible spell scroll'. But [the noun] [do] not seem to be one of these."


[1]. The nonsense names for spells cause problems for screen readers, since they don't make it clear whether it's 'blorpel' or 'blorple' or 'vorple' or... This option writes them out letter by letter instead.