Scroll Thief — 53 of 138

Daniel M. Stelzer

Release 2

Section A1 - Copying Scrolls

A copying tool is a kind of thing.

Copying it to is an action applying to one visible thing and one carried thing and requiring light. Understand "copy [something] on/to/onto/in/into [something]" as copying it to.

Check someone copying something to: say "[The actor] [don't] seem like much of a copyist." instead.

Check copying a spell book to something (this is the don't copy spell books rule):

say "A strange side effect of copying a spell into a book with magic is that the result cannot be copied again by hand."

Check copying it to (this is the only copy spell scrolls rule):

if the noun is not a spell scroll, say "I'm not sure how you plan to copy [the noun]." instead.

Check copying it to (this is the can't copy into a spell book rule):

if the second noun is a spell book, say "The pages of a spell book contain enough [b]Presence[/b] that they can not be written on normally. That was why the [i]gnusto[/i] spell was invented." instead.

Check copying it to (this is the can't copy onto nothing rule):

if the second noun is not a spell scroll, say "How do you plan to copy [the noun] onto that?" instead.

Check copying it to (this is the can't copy onto a written scroll rule):

if the second noun is not blank, say "[The second noun] already has something written on it!" instead.

Check copying it to (this is the can't copy without an implement rule):

if the player does not carry a copying tool:

if the player can touch a copying tool (called the item), carry out the implicitly taking activity with the item;

if the player does not carry a copying tool, say "You would need something to write with first." instead.

Carry out copying it to:

now the inscribed spell of the second noun is the inscribed spell of the noun;

now the description of the second noun is "[scroll-description for the item described]";

now the second noun is read.

Report copying it to:

say "You meticulously copy the writing from [the noun] to [the second noun]."

Instead of putting a spell scroll on a spell scroll:

say "(copying [the noun] to [the second noun])[ccb]";

try copying the noun to the second noun instead.

Instead of putting a spell scroll on a spell book:

say "(copying [the noun] to [the second noun])[ccb]";

try copying the noun to the second noun instead.

Instead of inserting a spell scroll into a spell scroll:

say "(copying [the noun] to [the second noun])[ccb]";

try copying the noun to the second noun instead.

Instead of inserting a spell scroll into a spell book:

say "(copying [the noun] to [the second noun])[ccb]";

try copying the noun to the second noun instead.

Should the game suggest copying something to the noun when testing the second noun: never.