Scroll Thief — 74 of 138

Daniel M. Stelzer

Release 2

Section C - The Tutorial

Tutorial mode is initially true.

After looking for the first time: say "[note][bracket]If you're new to this game, you might want to type ABOUT.[close bracket][/note]".

Before reading a command when tutorial mode is true and the information-gathering flag is false (this is the show tutorial rule):

if the Antechamber is visited:

say "[note][bracket]Type VERBS at any time to get a list of common commands.[close bracket][/note][br]";

say "[note][bracket]This is the end of the tutorial. For more information, type ABOUT.[close bracket][/note]";

now tutorial mode is false;

otherwise if the looking flag is true and the enormous door is open:

say "[note][bracket]To move around, use compass directions: NORTH, NORTHEAST, EAST...[/br][if compass rose is active] The compass rose at the top shows you which directions you can go from the current location.[/br][end if][close bracket][/note]";

otherwise if the enormous door is open:

say "[note][bracket]To see a description of your surroundings again, type LOOK.[close bracket][/note]";

otherwise if the badly-written scroll is carried:

say "[note][bracket]To cast a spell at something, use CAST REZROV AT THE DOOR (or just REZROV DOOR).[close bracket][/note]";

otherwise if the badly-written scroll is read:

say "[note][bracket]To remove something from a container, try TAKE THE SCROLL FROM THE BAG.[close bracket][/note]";

otherwise if the bag is open:

say "[note][bracket]To take a closer look at something, you might EXAMINE THE SCROLL.[close bracket][/note]";

otherwise if the inventory flag is true:

say "[note][bracket]Give instructions to the computer as imperative commands, like OPEN THE BAG.[close bracket][/note]";


say "[note][bracket]To see what you are carrying, type INVENTORY.[close bracket][/note]".

Last carry out listing boolean options for the first time:

say "[note][bracket]This lists the options available in this game. Options marked with a star are currently turned on.[close bracket][/note][br]";

say "[note][bracket]To turn an option off, say (e.g.) OPTION COMPASS OFF. To turn it back on, say OPTION COMPASS ON.[close bracket][/note]".

The examining flag is initially false.

After examining something when the examining flag is false:

now the examining flag is true;

continue the action.

The looking flag is initially false.

After looking for the third time: [The first time is when the initial room description is printed. The second time...I'm not sure. But it seems the action fires twice before the player actually types LOOK.]

now the looking flag is true;

continue the action.

The inventory flag is initially false.

After taking inventory when the inventory flag is false:

now the inventory flag is true;

continue the action.

Disabling the tutorial is an action out of world applying to nothing. Understand "tutorial off" or "stop helping me" as disabling the tutorial.

Check disabling the tutorial when tutorial mode is false: say "The tutorial has already ended." instead.

Carry out disabling the tutorial: now tutorial mode is false.

Report disabling the tutorial: say "[note][bracket]Okay, I'll stop helping you now. For more information type ABOUT.[close bracket][/note]".