Scroll Thief — 122 of 138

Daniel M. Stelzer

Release 2

Chapter 3 - Y2 Environs

The Hall of the Mountain King is a cave in Colossal Cave. "This chamber is wide and very round, almost perfectly so, though the stone around you is rough and natural. After crawling through the low passages and tunnels of the area it is a relief to be able to stand up straight without fear of scraping the ceiling above. A message etched into one wall proclaims this to be the 'Hall of the Mountain King'. Passages lead off in all directions, the most prominent being above you and to the north." Instead of going nowhere from the Hall of the Mountain King: say "You don't see any purpose in going that way[--]you might be able to squeeze through, but it would be uncomfortable and most likely pointless."

Effect of casting vezza at the Hall of the Mountain King: say "Someone is exploring, looking into each passage in turn before moving to the north."

Inverse effect of casting vezza at the Hall of the Mountain King: say "A shadowy figure whispers to a black snake, which slithers down to hide among the stones."

The Hall of the Mountain King is below the Misty Cavern.

Instead of an actor going north from the Misty Cavern: try the actor going down.

Instead of an actor going east from the Hall of the Mountain King: try the actor going up.

The Low Passage is a cave in Colossal Cave. "The passage narrows again to a cramped and uncomfortable squeeze, winding between the broken stones and cobbles. A thin crack runs north and south along the floor of the passage, nearly large enough for a person to fit through." Instead of going down in the Low Passage: say "[i]Nearly[/i] large enough. You might fit, but it would be difficult and you might not be able to come back up."

The thin crack in the floor is scenery in the Low Passage. Instead of entering the thin crack: try going down. Instead of inserting something into the thin crack: say "You would probably never see it again if you did that." [TODO: potential point for expansion: drop a palantir here and use BLORPLE to get through?]

The Low Passage is north of the Hall of the Mountain King.

Y2 is a cave in Colossal Cave. "Here the north-south tunnel opens slightly as it bends to the south and west. There may once have been a passage to the east as well, but the ceiling has fallen in, leaving only a rough wall of shattered stone. The sooty letters [']Y2['] are burned onto a large rock in the center of the room, perhaps as a survey mark of some sort, above a compass rose indicating which direction is which."

Instead of going east from Y2: say "You might be able to climb the rock wall if your life depended on it, but as far as you can tell it does not."

A wall of broken rock is scenery in Y2. The description of the wall of rock is "It looks quite dangerous." Instead of entering the wall of rock, try going east.

A large rock is scenery in Y2. Understand "Y2" or "soot" or "sooty" or "mark" or "survey" or "survey point" or "compass" or "rose" as the large rock. The description is "The characters [']Y2['] are inscribed on the rock in dark soot. Smaller marks beneath it indicate true north, east, and up for orientation." It is ropable.

Should the game choose when comparing the large rock against the wall of broken rock: it is a good choice.

After looking in Y2: if a random chance of 1 in 4 succeeds, say "A hollow voice says 'plugh'. That was odd."

Understand "plugh" as a mistake ("You try to imitate the word, but you can't quite get your voice to sound hollow enough.") when the location is Y2.

Y2 is north of the Low Passage.

There is a cave in Colossal Cave called the Overlook. "The tunnel ends suddenly here at a rough hole in the stone. You are looking out over a tremendous pit, stretching up and down far out of sight. A similar window opens far across the pit on the other side, [if the opposite window is affected by frotz]through which you can barely make out the beginning of another passage[else]but your light does not shine far enough to see beyond it[end if]. The mist is thicker down in the pit, and far below you can hear the faint sound of water rushing through the chasm."

The opposite window is scenery in the Overlook. Understand "far" and "similar" as the opposite window. [TODO: potential point for expansion: fooble-throw something across or fly?] The description of the opposite window is "You can barely see anything through it." Instead of an actor searching the opposite window: try the actor examining the window.

Instead of throwing something at the opposite window: say "You doubt [the noun] would reach the other passage; more likely [they] would fall into the pit and be lost[if the noun is a palantir]. Even if you could potentially get it back with [i]blorple[/i], it might not survive the fall[end if]."

Effect of casting frotz at the opposite window: say "The stone begins to glow faintly, but from here you can barely see a difference."

Empowered effect of casting frotz at the opposite window:

say "The stone begins to glow, vaguely illuminating another passage far across the chasm.";

now the opposite window is affected by frotz.

Effect of casting blorple at the opposite window: say "You perform the spell, but the window isn't an actual object so much as an empty space, and as such there isn't a good target for [i]blorple[/i] to explore."

Effect of casting vezza at the Overlook: say "A rope hangs from a heavy block of metal, trailing down into the pit. A shadow seems to watch from the other side."

Inverse effect of casting vezza at the Overlook: say "The Adventurer looks down into the chasm, searching for a way to climb in."

The shadow flag is initially false.

Every turn when (the location is the Overlook or the location is the Chasm) and the shadow flag is false:

if a random chance of 1 in 5 succeeds:

say "You suddenly notice a flicker of movement across the pit. For just a moment a shadowy figure seemed to be standing in the opposite window, looking [if the location is the Overlook]across[else]down[end if] at you...then it was gone.";

now the shadow flag is true.

The Overlook is west of Y2.