Scroll Thief — 124 of 138

Daniel M. Stelzer

Release 2

Section A - Going Down

Chasm-scary-puzzle is a puzzling scene with puzzle description "discovering what's in the chasm". Chasm-scary-puzzle begins when the Overlook is visited. Chasm-scary-puzzle ends when the chasm is less-scary.

Chasm-climb-puzzle is a puzzling scene with puzzle description "descending into the chasm". Chasm-climb-puzzle begins when chasm-scary-puzzle ends. Chasm-climb-puzzle ends when the location is the chasm.

Chasm-escape-puzzle is a recurring puzzling scene with puzzle description "getting out of the chasm". Chasm-escape-puzzle begins when the location is the chasm and the player is not securely anchored. Chasm-escape-puzzle ends when the location is not the chasm and the location is not regionally in the Ruined Hall.

First instead of going to the Chasm when the player is flying and the chasm-escape-puzzle has not happened:

say "You drift out over the edge and look downward. The chasm extends downward far out of sight into the darkness; if you started going down and your [i]izyuk[/i] spell wore off, you would have no way back up.[p]You return to the ledge.";

take full time.

Instead of going to the scary Chasm, say "You can't bring yourself to even go near the edge. There's no telling what is down there, and until you know it's safe you don't want to try it."

Instead of going to the less-scary Chasm when the player is not securely anchored, say "That seems like a very bad idea. You can't even see the bottom of the pit from here."

After going to the Chasm: award points for "climbing into the chasm"; continue the action.

After an actor throwing something at to the Chasm:

if the player can see the actor, say "[The noun] [fall] away into the chasm[if the noun is tied up and the noun is not securely anchored], pulling [the list of secondary things tied to the noun] with [them][end if].";

if the noun is tied up and the noun is not securely anchored:

repeat with the item running through secondary things tied to the noun:

remove the item from play;

remove the noun from play.

Instead of an actor inserting something into the Chasm: try the actor throwing the noun at down.

Before the player going to the Chasm when the player is securely anchored and the Chasm is not scary and the Adventurer is in the Overlook:

say "'Just pull on the rope when you're done, and I'll haul you back up,' [the Adventurer] offers."

Instead of tying the climbing harness to a rope: now the noun is the Adventurer; continue the action.

The harness is ropable.

After tying the Adventurer to a rope:

say "You run [the second noun] around [the Adventurer]'s back, and [she] ties it through the metal loops on [her] clothing."

Instead of tying the suspicious Adventurer to a rope: say "[regarding the Adventurer][He] might not take kindly to that."

Instead of pulling the Adventurer when the Adventurer is in the Chasm and the player is in Overlook:

say "[regarding the Adventurer][She] manages to grab on to the ledge, and with some effort pulls [herself] back up.";

move the Adventurer to the Overlook;

take full time.

Instead of pulling a rope when the noun is tied to the player and the player is securely anchored and the player is in the Chasm and the Adventurer is in Overlook:

say "You give a sharp tug on the rope and [the Adventurer] begins to pull you back up. Soon you are back at the top of the cliff.";

move the player to the Overlook;

take full time.

Every turn when something chasm-droppable is in the Chasm:

while there is a chasm-droppable thing (called the weight) in the chasm: [Not using a repeat-loop because I'm removing things from play within the loop.]

if the weight is the Adventurer:

say "[The Adventurer] screams as [she] suddenly finds [herself] unsupported! [She] grabs at the rock wall, trying frantically to avoid falling, but loses [her] grip and plummets into the darkness.[br][alert]*** The Adventurer has died *** [/alert][p]";

now every palantir enclosed by the Adventurer is nowhere;

award the "You Monster" achievement;


say "Unsupported, [the weight] falls away into the darkness.";

repeat with the item running through things tied to the weight:

remove the item from play.

Every turn when the Adventurer is in the Chasm and the Adventurer is not securely anchored and the Adventurer was securely anchored and the Adventurer is flying:

say "[The Adventurer] panics for a moment before realizing that [she] isn't falling. [He] doesn't seem to have much control of [her] flight, but isn't yet falling at least."

Instead of the Adventurer going up from the Chasm when the Adventurer is not securely anchored and the Adventurer is flying:

if the player can see the Adventurer, say "[regarding the Adventurer][She] pushes off one of the walls and manages to get a little bit of height, but then bobs downward again. [He] doesn't seem to have much control of [her] flight.";

take full time;

record the Adventurer's attempt as successful.

Definition: something is chasm-droppable:

if it is securely anchored, no;

if it is tied to the player, no;

if it is flying, no;


The preparation stage is initially zero. [This tracks what the player is supposed to be doing.]

Before the Adventurer going to the Chasm (this is the chasm preparation rule):

now the preparation stage is zero;

record the Adventurer's attempt as successful; [Don't print anything else here.]

if the Adventurer is flying:

say "[The Adventurer] is still clinging to the wall. 'Not[--]not like this, sorry. The spell is good and all. But how do I know it wouldn't fizzle out partway down?'";

stop the action;

if the location is not the Overlook: [The player is scrying.]

now the preparation stage is 1;

say "'I'd appreciate having another person here, physically I mean, just in case.'";

stop the action;

if the Adventurer is not tied up:

now the preparation stage is 2;

say "[The Adventurer] peers into the pit. 'I'd need some sort of rope to climb down.' ";

if the Adventurer can touch a rope (called the cord):

say "[She] runs [her] hands over [the cord]. 'I think this one will work. Would you mind securing it to my harness?'";

try the Adventurer giving the cord to the player;

stop the action;

if the Adventurer is not securely anchored and the Adventurer cannot touch a ropable anchored thing:

now the preparation stage is 3;

say "[The Adventurer] looks around. 'We would need something to anchor the rope to. No offense, but I don't trust your strength for this.'";

stop the action;

if the Adventurer is not securely anchored and the Adventurer can touch a ropable anchored thing (called the anchor):

now the preparation stage is 4;

say "[The Adventurer] walks over to [the anchor] and pushes on it. It refuses to budge. 'This looks strong enough. Just tie [the random rope which is tied to the adventurer] to it.'";

stop the action;

if the Adventurer is securely anchored:

let the weight be a random inanimate nonrope thing which is tied to the Adventurer;

if the location of the weight is not the Overlook:

say "[The Adventurer] pulls on [the random rope which is tied to the Adventurer]. 'I don't think this is quite long enough, not when it's anchored to [the weight] in [the location of the weight]. We'll need something closer to the chasm.'";

stop the action;

now the preparation stage is zero;

if the Adventurer carries something Chasm-awkward:

say "'I'll leave these here for now,' [regarding the Adventurer][he] says, placing [the list of Chasm-awkward things carried by the Adventurer] next to [the weight].";

repeat with the hindrance running through Chasm-awkward things carried by the Adventurer:

silently try the Adventurer dropping the hindrance;

say "'Okay, let's hope this works.' [The Adventurer] takes a deep breath and steps out to the edge of the chasm, holding on to [the random rope which is tied to the Adventurer]. [regarding the Adventurer][She] turns around and puts [her] hands on the edge of the rock, then starts to climb carefully down the rock face.";

continue the action.

[The actors can't move while tied rule does nothing when the actor is the Adventurer and the room gone to is the Chasm.

The actors can't pull tied things rule does nothing when the actor is the Adventurer and the room gone to is the Chasm.]

Definition: something is Chasm-awkward:

if it is the lantern, no;

if it is the map, no;

if it is the knife, no;


Understand "pull [something] back/-- up" as pulling.

Chasm-adventurer-puzzle is a recurring puzzling scene with puzzle description "[if the preparation stage is 1]helping the Adventurer descend to the chasm[else if the preparation stage is 2]finding a rope for the Adventurer[else if the preparation stage is 3]finding an anchor for the rope[else]anchoring the rope[end if]". Chasm-adventurer-puzzle begins when the preparation stage is not zero. Chasm-adventurer-puzzle ends when the preparation stage is zero.

Report the Adventurer going to the scary Chasm:

say "After what feels like an eternity, you hear [regarding the Adventurer][her] voice from below you. 'I'm at the bottom of the rope now! There's something strange in the wall here; you might want to look at it. It doesn't seem natural.'";

now the Chasm is not scary;

rule succeeds.

Every turn when the Adventurer is in the Chasm for more than one turn:

say "You hear [the Adventurer]'s voice from the pit. '[if the Adventurer is flying]Could you pull me back up now? The spell is nice, but I'm having...a bit of difficulty...maneuvering[else][one of]Would you mind pulling me back up now? I can't get a good grip here[or]Could you help me here? I can't climb back up[or]Please pull me back up[then at random][end if].'"

After the bird going from the Chasm to the Overlook when the player can see the Overlook and the bird is affected by nitfol: say "The bird flutters back up from the abyss. 'I looked. There wasn't anything. Nothing tasty. Just rock.'"