Scroll Thief — 85 of 138

Daniel M. Stelzer

Release 2

Part 2 - The "Adventure" Area

[STUB - for the rest of the cave, see Act II.]

A cave is a kind of room. A cave is usually dark. [This is just for convenience.]

Colossal Cave is a region.

The Splendid Cavern is a cave in Colossal Cave. "You [if the scrying flag is true]see[else]are in[end if] a magnificent cavern of orange rock. Rivers of shining stone seem to flow down the walls from the ceiling high above, magically frozen for eternity. There is an awkward gap between two natural pillars to the east, and a somewhat larger one to the west."

A dusty mirror is a scrying mirror in the Splendid Cavern. "Propped up in a corner is a dusty mirror, looking strangely out of place among the natural splendor of the columns." The dusty mirror is not scenery. The dusty mirror is mystically linked to the wall-sized mirror. [The wall-sized mirror is in the Scrying Room.]

After casting blorple at the wall-sized mirror: mark checkpoint caves as passed; continue the action.